Trial The Clique Academy: ICF Accredited Master Coach Certification & Business Mentorship 

Radically up-level your impact, success & finances as a professional & credible Coach 

Try The Clique Academy for FREE

The Clique Academy provides ICF Accredited Master Coach Certification

+ business mentorship for the woman ready to RISE

If you are ready to create  a bigger impact within the coaching industry, register for a FREE TRIAL of the program.

Advance your coaching skills, position yourself as an expert coach, command premium fees and build a profitable online coaching business 

Access a FREE TRIAL of our Program

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A message from our founder, Dani Watson...

I would like to get super transparent with you...


There have been times when I´ve questioned if becoming the coach was the right move for me.

  • I was overwhelmed with what I needed to do to create a successful business.
  • I hated selling myself and my services & therefore struggled to get paying clients. 
  • I felt like being successful would take years of struggle and sacrifice.  


I was close to giving it all up until....

...I reminded myself of these things: 

The Universe doesn´t send us an opportunity if we can´t handle it.


Our biggest moments of growth can come off the back of some of our most challenging times.


You haven´t come this far to only come this far. Don´t give up before you see what you are truly capable of.

This is true for you too...

Step into a new era of success, fulfilment & wealth & see what you are really capable of by trying our program today for FREE


What others who joined the course have experienced...


´´Within 5 months, I was fully booked with coaching clients & able to quit my full-time job.´´ 

For years, I made excuses about why it wasn´t the right time to start something new. Now, I wish I started sooner. Becoming a coach has transformed all areas of my life and I feel so grateful I get to call this work.

Alicia, Mindset Coach for Career Women.

´´Starting this journey, I was so afraid of failure. Becoming a coach allowed me to believe in myself´´ 

My biggest block initially was my lack of confidence & self-belief. It´s amazing how much I have personally grown through this process. I have now coached over 50 women globally and couldn´t imagine doing anything else!

Lucy, Self Love Coach for Mums.


Try our Program today for FREE

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